Biofeedback is a type of mind-body technique you use to control some of your body's functions, such as your heart rate, breathing patterns and muscle responses. During biofeedback, you're connected to electrical pads that help you get information about your body.
You may not realize it, but when you have pain or are under stress, your body changes. Your heart rate may increase, you may breathe faster, and your muscles tighten. Biofeedback helps you make slight changes in your body, such as relaxing muscles, to help relieve pain or reduce tension.
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Naturopathy takes a holistic approach to wellness. Naturopathy supports a person to live a healthy lifestyle. The foundations of naturopathy are based on the importance of a healthy diet, clean fresh water, sunlight, exercise and stress management. It embraces many therapies, including herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and nutritional counseling.
Naturopathy was brought to the United States from Germany in the 1800s, but some of its treatments are centuries old. Today, it combines traditional treatments with some aspects of modern science.
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iridology and sclerologY
Iridology is based on the theory that it is possible to assess health and sub-health issues by analyzing changes in the structure, texture, and color of the iris and pupil of the eye. Marks and colors in the iris can show various conditions of the body’s tissues.
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FasciaL therapy via counterstrain
Fascial Counterstrain (FCS) is a therapeutic, hands-on method, designed to release spasm in all tissues of the human body. Every organ, nerve, artery, muscle, ligament, tendon, vein and lymphatic vessel in the human body can actively spasm and produce pain in a natural, protective response to injury.
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class 4 Laser TREATMENT
Class 4 laser therapy is a type of medical treatment that uses a high-powered, class 4 laser to deliver therapeutic doses of light to damaged or injured tissues. The therapy is also known as high-intensity laser therapy.
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Visceral manipulation utilizes pressure, the speed of movement across the surface, and the distance between 2 ridges as a tactile sensing system to facilitate complex frequency analysis and treatment and to maximize the optimal function of the organ.
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what is wellness
Wellness is a modern word with ancient roots. The key tenets of wellness as both preventive and holistic can be traced back to ancient civilizations from the East (India, China) to the West (Greece, Rome). In 19th-century Europe and the United States, a variety of intellectual, religious and medical movements developed in parallel with conventional medicine. With their focus on holistic and natural approaches, self-healing and preventive care, these movements have provided a firm foundation for wellness today. Wellness-focused and holistic modalities have gained more visibility since the 1960s/1970s under the writings and thought leadership of an informal network of US physicians and thinkers. As these have evolved, proliferated, and gone mainstream, they have informed the healthy-living, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet and spiritual practices that have become a flourishing wellness movement in the 21st century.
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